Monday, November 29, 2010

Thankful…so very thankful…

In my book, “From One Thoughtless Act,” I rarely discuss the trait of being thankful. For certain I’ve thanked my son, my mother and all my family and friends who provided support throughout my 28-year incarceration. But in the truest meaning of being thankful – I’m just coming to know what that means.

You see, this past Thursday I shared meals and laughter with family and friends – as we all should do. Those are things that make life worth living. But we should all be grateful and thankful for every single day of our lives, knowing that not all of us were blessed to see “this day.”

So from this respect, I guess I am still growing, still maturing, still pressing on to perfection. Yes, my life, like everyone’s, is a constant struggle in becoming better than we are. Better today than we were yesterday.

And today, I am truly thankful to know the difference.

…yes, these days I am truly thankful…

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Never Dreamed…

If anyone would have told me just last year that today I would be a published author, a motivational speaker and a contribution to society (in a positive way), I would have gladly given them my meds.

I never dreamed this could be my life.

If you’ve read my book, “From One Thoughtless Act,” you know why: dysfunctional upbringing, homicidal tendencies, and warped beliefs – they all boil down to worthlessness. Or so I thought.

No, I never dreamed that my life could be what it is today. And that’s why I continue to do what I do, to speak with the youth and others who feel ‘things just can’t get any better for me,’ because (believe me) they always can. Or they feel that ‘nothing good can come of my life,’ but I’m living proof that that’s not necessarily the case.

Yes, life is filled with possibilities beyond our wildest imaginations! And although you don’t know what the next day will bring…whatever it is, grab it with both hands and make the best of it. Because there’s something out there greater than yourself…and it’s waiting for you…

…even if you never dreamed…

Friday, November 5, 2010


Not one of us is perfect: We all fall short – and you’re no exception. That doesn’t mean that we give up, although we might give in. It means we try harder, we push farther, we propel forward.

That’s the message I want to leave my readers in my new book From One Thoughtless Act. I know about falling short of the glory of God. If I didn’t know any better, I’d believe I created the concept. But that’s not the case. Man has fallen short for millenniums – and we’ll keep falling short. But it’s not the falling that matters; it’s the getting up.

I should know: I've been down most of my life, yet I'm back on my feet again. And if I can get up anyone can! So stop feeling sorry for yourself. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. And start all over again…not now, but RIGHT NOW!

No, you are no exception.

We all fall short.